The village of Huong Canh Pottery is at Binh Xuyen District, Vinh Phuc Province - about 52 km from Hanoi city. It has been famous for pottery products for over 300 years.

Ảnh sưu tầm

The village specializes in the production of glazed terracotta products such as big and small jars for holding water, rice wine, herbal medicine, fish sauce, soya sauce....and others like kinds of vases and tiles.

                                                                            Ảnh sưu tầm

The artisans keep their owned technique of making glaze, baking, filtering terracotta, and creating input- materials, especially they use selective light blue terracotta for making products so that the quality of products is unique.

                                                                        Ảnh sưu tầm
Nowadays, the artisans create modern motifs and products that meet today need internationally.


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